Vladimir Pogozhev

Vladimir Pogozhev Sheet Music

  • Born: 1874
  • Died: 1935
  • Birthplace: Russia

Vladimir Pogozhev entered the Imperial Law School in St. Petersburg, the same one that Tchaikovsky attended, and then entered military service as an officer. He left the service in 1882 and served on the Board of Imperial Theaters in St. Petersburg and Moscow, eventually becoming Manager of the Board. Around this time, he began his musical studies with Rimsky Korsakov privately. As manager of the Imperial Theaters, he was responsible for the staging of many operas by the leading composers such as Borodin, Korsakov and Tchaikovsky with whom he was on friendly terms. He subsequently wrote several books on the theater and acting and is best known, at least in Russian circles, for his books. We know through the research of Professor Richard Taruskin (author of On Russian Music) and also from a few Russian sources that the Pogozhev who was the stage impressario was the same man as the Pogojeff whose works Belaiev published.

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