W. M. Akhurst

W. M. Akhurst Sheet Music

  • Born: 29th December 1822
  • Died: 1878
  • Birthplace: Hammersmith, London, England

W. M. Akhurst Akhurst was born in Hammersmith, London, on 29 December 1822, and went to Melbourne, Australia, in 1850. Here he joined the Melbourne Argus as sub-editor and musical critic. Subsequently, he wrote fourteen pantomimes, one of his burlesques, the Siege of Troy, running for sixty nights. In 1870, he returned to England, and wrote pantomimes for Astley's, the Pavilion, and the Elephant and Castle Theatres. He died on board the Patriarch, on the return voyage to Sydney, on 7 June 1878

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