Rudolf Ewald Zingel Sheet Music

  • Born: 5th September 1876
  • Died: 20th February 1944
  • Birthplace: Legnica, Germany

Rudolf Ewald Zingel was a German musician, composer and music teacher at the University of Greifswald. He has been taught to play the violin and piano at the age of 5. At the age of 18 he started his studies at the Royal Academy of Music in Berlin. A year later he became organist at the Garrison Church in Berlin-Spandau. Rudolf Ewald Zingel received in 1899 the place of the main organist of the city churches and was also head of the Academy of Music in Frankfurt. Here he devoted himself to his full-time employment in addition to the composition. His opera "Margot" in 1902 and his oratorio "The Wild Hunter" premiered in 1906.

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