Julius Weismann

Julius Weismann Sheet Music

  • Born: 26th December 1879
  • Died: 22nd December 1950
  • Birthplace: Germany

Julius Weismann was a German pianist, conductor, and composer of classical music. Weismann was born in Freiburg im Breisgau on 26 December 1879, and died 22 December, 1950 in Singen am Hohentweil, Lake Constance. Weismann studied with Josef Rheinberger and Ludwig Thuille. As a composer he left over 150 opus numbers and numerous works without opus number. His works include 6 operas, 3 symphonies, three piano concertos, 4 violin concertos, 11 string quartets (two of these recently recorded in string orchestraarrangement on a cpo recording), piano music, chamber works (including a violin sonata) and about 200 lieder.

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