Joseph Renner

Joseph Renner Sheet Music

  • Born: 17th February 1868
  • Died: 17th July 1934
  • Birthplace: Regensburg, Germany

Joseph Renner was a German composer and organist. He received his first training from his father (Joseph Renner sen., A pupil of Carl Proske, organist, music teacher and choirmaster in Regensburg) rom 1883 he was a student at the Kirchenmusikschule Regensburg (School of Church Music) in Regensburg. Later he studied in Munich two years at the Royal School of Music. Among his teachers was Joseph Rheinberger. In 1887 he was awarded the Dr. Königswarther honorary prize for composition and was hired in the fall of that year in Bludenz in Vorarlberg as choirmaster and musical director. Joseph Renner developed his compositional style based on the Munich school.

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