Johan Foltmar Sheet Music

  • Born: 1714
  • Died: 26th April 1794
  • Birthplace: Denmark

Johan Foltmar was a Danish organist, composer and vinegar brewer. He was the second son of Johan Voltmar who had immigrated to Copenhagen about 1711. Already as a young Johan Foltmar an esteemed musician in the Copenhagen environment. He was, for example. a leader of the Det musikalske Societet (Denmark's first musical society), founded in 1744 together with eg Holberg, Johannes Erasmus Iversen and Johann Adolph Scheibe. Some years later, in 1768, he is mentioned as an honorary member of the New Musical Orthopaedics Society in cooperation with, among others, Scheibe and Johannes Ewald. In 1747 he applied for the job as assistant organist at Trinitatis Kirke. In 1752 he took over the post of organist, but he did earn much money, and therefore he had to get other revenue sources. In the 1760s he had the monopoly on the production of wine vinegar in Copenhagen, and he tried also with fruit and a nursery. He had to support his family of wife and 3 children. Foltmar family had good relations with the royal family. Johan Foltmar played the flute in 1748 at a concert on the occasion of the Queen's birthday. He also played with by King Frederik 5, funeral 1766th

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