Jacquet de Berchem Sheet Music

  • Born: 1505
  • Died: 1567
  • Birthplace: Berchem (now part of Antwerp), Belgium

Jacquet de Berchem (also known as Giachet(to) Berchem or Jakob van Berchem) was a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance, active in Italy. He was famous in mid-16th-century Italy for his madrigals, approximately 200 of which were printed in Venice, some in multiple printings due to their considerable popularity. As evidence of his widespread fame, he is listed by Rabelais in Gargantua and Pantagruel as one of the most famous musicians of the time, and the printed music for one of his madrigals appears in a painting by Caravaggio (The Lute Player).

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