Giacomo Cordella

Giacomo Cordella Sheet Music

  • Born: 25th July 1786
  • Died: 8th May 1846
  • Birthplace: Milan, Italy

Giacomo Cordella was an Italian composer. He studied in his native city with Fedele Fenaroli and Giovanni Paisiello, and thanks to the help of the latter was able to represent in Venicehis first opera, Il ciarlatano which was appreciated and was then taken up in other cities of northern Italy. He studied in his native city with Fedele Fenaroli and Giovanni Paisiello, and thanks to the help of the latter was able to represent in Venicehis first opera, the charlatanwhich was appreciated and was then taken up in other cities of northern Italy. He continued his career mainly in Naples, where he was appreciated for his comic operas, while the few serious works failed. He also composed of sacred music.

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