Charles-François Dumonchau Sheet Music

  • Born: 11th April 1775
  • Died: 21st December 1820
  • Birthplace: Strasbourg, France

Charles-François Dumonchau was a French composer and pianist. He received from his father his first music lessons and studied piano with Beaumayr making rapid progress due to his unusual abilities. During the French Revolution he was in Paris, being employed in the administration of food for the army. He became friend with Kreutzer and entered the Conservatoire, leaving early to study under the direction of Woeffi. In 1805 he premiered at the Porte Saint-Martin a comic opera, The Cossack officier, getting success. Then he moved back to his birthplace Strasbourg and later to Lyon (1809). He left written 33 sonatas, 24 for piano, violin and flute, and other minor compositions.

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