August Wiltberger Sheet Music

  • Born:c. 17th April 1850
  • Died: 2nd December 1928
  • Birthplace: Germany

August Wiltberger was a German royal music director, composer and professor at a teachers' seminary. Wiltberger was born in Sobernheim. He received his first lessons from his father, who was organist and teacher in Sobernheim. From 1868 to 1871 he attended the seminary in Boppard, where the music pedagogue Peter Piel was his role model. From 1871 to 1873 he worked as a teacher in Bad Salzig. In 1873 he followed the calling as a music teacher at the Präparandenanstalt (preparatory school) in Colmar, from 1876 at the Gymnasium and at the Höhere Töchterschule, a school for girls, in Saargemünd. In 1880 he went to the newly established seminary in Münstermaifeld. From 1888 he worked until his retirement at the seminary in Brühl. Wiltberger was married to Theresa Wiltberger, née Grünewald.

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